This page last changed on Nov 15, 2007 by aaime.

In this section you will:

  1. Install a PostGIS database
  2. Load the database with CITE data
  3. Deploy the CITE configuration
  4. Setup and execute a CITE test session for WFS, WMS and WCS protocols

Setting up GeoServer and the CITE test data for WFS 1.0 testing

Install PostGIS (long version

  1. Download and Execute the PostgreSQL Windows Installer
  2. Download and Execute the PostGIS Windows Installer
  3. Ensure the Postgres binaries are on your PATH
  4. Create a new database user called "cite":
    createuser -P -U postgres cite
    1. When prompted to "Enter password for new user:", enter "cite".
    2. Answer "y" for "Shall the new user be allowed to create databases?"
    3. Answer "y" for "Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users?"
    4. When prompted for "Password:", enter the password you setup for the postgres user
  1. Create a new database called "cite" using the postgis template (it will load the postgis functions and extra tables):
    createdb -U cite cite -T template_postgis
    1. When prompted for "Password:", enter "cite"


Configure GeoServer for CITE tests

  1. Build geoserver with the "cite" configuration. See here for details on building configurations.
    mvn -DconfigId=citewfs-1.0 -DconfigDirectory=../../configuration -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install
  2. Change directory to src/main/webapp/data under the web module
  3. Execute the cite_data.sql script (if you receive some errors complaining about tables not existing, that is ok):
    psql -U cite cite
    \i cite_data.sql

    You can also run the script from the command line without going into psql:

    psql -f cite_data.sql cite cite

  4. Change directory to the root of the web module and start the server
    mvn jetty:run

WFS 1.0 CITE Test Suite

The following contains detailed instruction on how to setup and run the CITE WFS test suite. Please read this carefully, WMS and WCS instructions will assume you're already familiar with the workflow presented here.

Setup the WFS CITE Test Suite

  1. Visit in your web browser
  2. From the main page, click the Manage Test Session link
  3. When prompted for a username, password, enter geoserver, openplans1 respectivley.
  4. Click the "Create a new custom OGC test session" link
  5. On the Test Case Options page:
    1. For Session Identification, enter a name for the test suite.. It is recommended you use the format "<version>.WFS". For example: 1.5.0-M1.WFS.
    2. For Types of tests, select "manual tests followed by automatic tests"
    3. For Types of device to test, select "A Server"
    4. For Test Cases, select "Web Feature Service 1.0.0"
    5. Click Configure Test Session
  6. On the Session Options page:
    1. For Capabilities Setup, enter the url to your geoserver intstances WFS capabiltiies document. For example:
    2. For Optional Tests, leave "Enable tests with complex property values" unchecked
    3. For Functional Groups, select "All"
    4. Click Add Capabilities Values
  7. Upon success you will be brought to the Capabilities Summary page:
    1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Create Test Session

Execute the WFS CITE Test Suite

  1. From the Test Session Management Menu click Execute Tests next to the newly created session
  2. Sit back, relax, and watch as the tests execute.

WMS CITE Test Suite

Setup the WFS CITE Test Suite

Data setup is similar to WFS 1.0, but this time you have to configure GeoServer running the citewms-1.1 data directory.

As for cite test engine, same as setting up a WFS CITE test suite, but this time for Test Cases, select "Web Map Service 1.1.1", and for session identification "<version>.WMS". For example: 1.5.0-M1.WMS.
Then click Configure Test Session, and on the Session Options page, provide your capabilities link, and enable the "Recommendation Support" checkbox and the "GML FeatureInfo" box too.
Finally, click Add Capabilities Values

Execute the WMS CITE Test Suite

  1. From the Test Session Management Menu click Execute Tests next to the newly created session
  2. Sit back, relax, and watch as the tests execute.

WCS CITE Test Suite

Setup the WCS CITE Test Suite

Again, same as WFS, but use the citewcs-1.0 data directory.

Same as setting up a WFS CITE test suite, but this time for Test Cases, select "Web Coverage Service 1.0.0", and for session identification "<version>.WCS". For example: 1.5.0-M1.WCS.
Then click Configure Test Session, and on the Session Options page, provide your capabilities link, provide 0.1/0.1 as grid resolutions, enable the "Verify that the server supports XML encoding" checkbox and the "Verify that the server supports range set axiso" box too, leave blank the other fields.
Finally, click Add Capabilities Values

Execute the WMS CITE Test Suite

  1. From the Test Session Management Menu click Execute Tests next to the newly created session
  2. Sit back, relax, and watch as the tests execute.

WFS-1.1 CITE Test Suite

The WFS-1.1 test suite is currently using a different dataset and test engine than the other tests

Setup the WFS-1.1 CITE Test Suite

Before you can run the tests you need to install the appropriate configuration, which can be found here:

Note that it contains a feature type called "EntitéGénérique", which requires UTF-8 support on the filesystem and in the database. On some systems this can create problems, here are a few tips:

  • Check that the directory citewfs-1.1/featureTypes/sf_EntitéGénérique is created correctly. Note that it may be displayed as "sf_EntitéGénérique" in the terminal, which does not have to be a problem.
  • The cite database should use UTF8. Test this by running psql -U cite -l , if it says SQL_ASCII you should recreate the database with createdb -U cite -E UTF8 cite
  • Before 1.6.x RC1 (October 2007), you had to run Jetty with -Dorg.geotools.referencing.forceXY=false . This should no longer be necessary.

Once you have the data loaded, start Jetty and check that Geoserver offers map previews for sf:AggregateGeoFeature, sf:EntitéGénérique and sf:PrimitiveGeoFeature, but not try to open any of them (You will get a message saying "Could not determine version").

Execute the WFS-1.1 CITE Test Suite

  1. Next, go to and login.
  2. Click "Create a new session"
  3. Selet "WFS 1.1.0 Compliance Test Suite" and provide an appropriate session name. Press OK.
  4. Provide the Capabilities URL, look at the example for reference. Choose WFS conformance class: WFS-Transaction , and GMLSF compliance level: SF-0. Press Start.

createdb.png (image/png)
createuser.png (image/png)
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createlang.png (image/png)
psql.png (image/png)
cite_data.png (image/png)
customize.png (image/png)
capabilities.png (image/png)
capabilitiesSummary.png (image/png)
capabilitiesSummary.png (image/png)
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 16, 2008 23:26